edible art, From our farm to your kitchen.
Our Floral Garlic Braids are created with Garlic, Flowers and Herbs all seeded, planted, weeded, cared for and harvested here on our farm in Mancos, Colorado. I start braiding mid-August and continue to do so until our first hard frost arrives.
Garlic Braids make such wonderful gifts for weddings, birthdays, housewarming etc. They are a labor of love on our farm and it’s really fun to see them head out into the world!
Where to find our Garlic Braids:
Zuma Natural Foods in Mancos
James Ranch Market in Durango
At our farm stands in Telluride and Mancos (late August - October)
Order Garlic Braids online in our Farm Store for pickup at the Farm or shipping.
Please note - we make these in small batches and there is limited availability. Once they sell out, they won’t be available again until the following August.
Where to hang your garlic Braid?
We love the charming beauty they add when hung on the side of a kitchen cabinet or on a pantry door. I find it hard not to smile in the morning when I catch a glimpse of the Garlic Braid hanging in our kitchen.
We recommend hanging Garlic Braids in a location that does not receive direct sunlight. This is for two reasons, (1) to preserve the color of the dried flowers and (2) to assure the best storage conditions for the garlic bulbs.
You will be able to enjoy the Garlic Braid as an art piece for several months, and when you’re ready, slowly start to snip off a garlic bulb here or there for cooking. Our customers say the Garlic has held well for them until March, but this may vary depending on the location where you hang the braid and the temperature in your home.
The dreaming and planning phase for Garlic Braids begins in late October, when our garlic field is planted. Throughout the winter months we plan on which flowers to grow for braiding (varieties/colors etc). We’re experimenting with a couple news ones each season. I love watching all the pieces come together at the end of the season when we start braiding.
Custom Fall Garlic Braids created for our friends at The Boathouse on Grand!