CSA Countdown - Harvests Start in 3 Weeks!


We're tackling one day at a time over here, with healthy to-do lists and endless water and snack breaks. It's been a hot and windy week and staying hydrated has been a challenge. The weather feels more like what we expect in June, rather than May. But, most of the crops we have in the ground seem to be liking the hot days and mild nights. 

The tomatoes are growing like weeds in the greenhouses and we transplanted two beds of peppers earlier in the week to keep them company. The peppers settled right in and already have ladybugs nestled against their glossy leaves.  


We are planning to finish planting the greenhouses tomorrow morning, with cherry tomatoes, eggplant, shishito peppers and more basil! 

We spent a couple days getting the weeds in check. They're back and happy as ever and they do not seem phased by the drought... the thistle just seems sharper earlier than normal! 


Rhubarb! and herbs herbs herbs. I have been wanting to start establishing perennial beds for a couple years now and the slower pace of this year has actually allowed it to happen! We planted a bed of rhubarb root stock from some of my lovely friends and mentors at Circle A Gardens in Montrose! Thanks Betsy!!! And an herb bed filled with mint, thyme, oregano, sage, etc... Things are about to get more flavorful around here! Herbs = FLAVOR, in everything from rice bowls to peach pie.

We're excited for CSA Harvests to start the first week of June! We only have a few Summer CSA Shares left, so make sure to sign up ASAP to reserve your veggies for the season!    

Ok, we should get back to it. We're headed out to prep beds and transplant kale this afternoon! 

Have a great day!