Wildfires, Heatwave and Hoping for Rain

View of the Burro Fire (left) and 416 Fire (right) smoke plumes on Friday from the farm

View of the Burro Fire (left) and 416 Fire (right) smoke plumes on Friday from the farm

Mike and were in the field on Friday, he was weeding brassicas and I was prepping a block of beds for our next seeding of greens. As farmers, we spend a lot of time looking down while we work. We look down at the plants and the soil while we weed, seed, harvest, etc. Sometimes I catch myself doing this while the most incredible sunset is happening behind me or when a big storm cloud is building in the distance. On Friday we were doing just that when I heard Mike shout my name and point in the distance. I stopped what I was doing and looked up to see a second fire had started in the distance (the Burro Fire).

Daily we watch the skyline start out hazy and calm and as the day goes the plumes of smoke from these wildfires grow. We have had some smokey moments at the farm, but nothing like what our neighbors are facing in Durango. We're sending our love and prayers to everybody affected and we're so grateful for the men and women battling these wildfires. Please be safe out there!! And COME ON RAIN! 


The crops we have growing at the farm are looking good and Mike and I are starting to feel, do I dare say, caught up!? Those are not words we normally say at the farm in June but we're feeling good and fairly top of things.

We spent Monday morning weeding and hilling the potatoes. Grow spuds grow!

And, the greenhouses are weeded! I'll be honest... on Friday you could barely see the peppers the pigweed was so tall but now they have some breathing room.


The tomatoes are all freshly pruned and trellised! They're flowering like crazy and beginning to set fruit. It won't be long now! I'm hoping in a month or so we'll start to see cherry tomatoes ripening, and can hardly wait. 


The onion block makes me happy! Onions are one of my favorite crops to grow, and for so many reasons. I love that they're the first thing we seed each year (these were seeded early February). I love how well they store and that we're still eating red onions from last season's harvest. And I think I secretly love that we need to stay on top of the weeds for them to produce, which makes the beds very aesthetically pleasing to look at. We're growing three onion varieties this season - Sweet Walla Wallas, a yellow storage onion and a red storage onion. Fingers crossed they keep looking great and size up well this season!

Ok... enough rambling! It's time to make a game plan and get outside. Have a wonderful day!