CSA Harvest - Week 15



Fall is in the air and the crisp breeze and cool mornings feel wonderful. I'm not sure how I feel about the shorter days though... My favorite time of the day to pick the tomatoes is in the evening, when the greenhouses have started to cool off and the light makes the ripe tomatoes glow, but recently darkness sneaks up on me well before I'm finished. 

Mike left on Sunday morning for Washington, DC for the National Farmers Union Fly-In. He, and farmers from all around the country, have been meeting with Congressmen and Senators this week regarding the upcoming Farm Bill.. 


With Mike out of town we have been short handed at the farm this week. I drafted detailed Harvests Sheets and To-Do Lists and I feel like Sadie and I have everything under control, but it has made for some long days and exhaustion is starting to in. We have spent most of the week tackling harvests, the walk-in cooler is packed, and we are very excited to see you all later today. And, I'm looking forward to sleeping in a little bit tomorrow. 

The final seeding of greens for the 2017 season is COMPLETE. Hallelujah! I seeded the last few beds on Friday evening after we returned from delivering our Durango wholesale orders. We seeded the late crop of spinach, salad greens, baby bok choy and mustards in the big greenhouse! Woop woop! 

The second succession of Kale is looking lovely! 

The second succession of Kale is looking lovely! 

Harvest Details for CSA - Week #15:

Arugula, Collard Greens, Red Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Sweet Peppers, Poblano, Padron Peppers, Walla Walla Onion, Cherry Tomatoes, Cucumber, Zucchini, Carrots and Purple Daikon. 

CSA Harvest - Week 14


The dahlias are blooming and and their beauty is distracting me from the veggie harvests. I stopped in the middle of picking tomatoes on Saturday morning, grabbed my snips and cut a bouquet for the house. Once they were arranged in a vase on the kitchen counter I was happy and then returned to the tomatoes.

Ok, so the exciting news I mentioned last week... we bought a Potato Digger! A super sweet farmer up north sold us his potato digger over the weekend! Woohoo! This is exciting and should make our lives easier AND the timing couldn't be better as we're going to start harvesting potatoes very soon. 


Red Cabbage... it's testing our patience more than anything this season and it may be one of the crops this year that just doesn't produce like normal? We'll see... they still have some time but as of right now they're looking a little rough. So much so that Mike just wants to flail mow the cabbage blocks so we can move on and cover crop. Mmmm hmmm. I think we'll give them another week or two to size up before we go that route!?


Look who's decided to join the party! The Cauliflower has arrived. A solid 2+ weeks behind schedule BUT they're huge so we're not going to worry about it. We planted three successions this year so I'm hoping we have a solid supply for a few weeks, that just gets sweeter as the temps get cooler, up until the first hard freeze? Fingers crossed.


Onion harvest! Onions are one of my favorites to grow, as they're the first crop to be seeded in January and to be transplanted into the field in the Spring. They keep me guessing all season as to whether or not they're actually going to size up and then when they finally do in August it feels a bit magical. Growing and harvesting roots out of is a deeply satisfying activity that I think everybody needs to experience... We smelled like onions for days after pulling out the first storage onions of the season! The red onions and a trial yellow are out of the field and our main yellow storage onion is close... I noticed their tops starting to fall on Sunday (how awesome is it that onions tell you when they're ready to harvest?) so they may be coming out of the field by the end of the week? The Walla Walla Onions have been making their way into your CSA Shares, be sure to eat these onions quick as they're not ones that store well. They're sweet and juicy and are best eaten fresh! 


The other exciting news.... we hired an awesome crew to install the insulation, siding and roof on the new wash/pack building and now it's so much closer to being complete! We started to worry a couple weeks ago when we would get to this ourselves as the harvests are all consuming at the moment and aren't going to let up for a while. So, we decided it was best to focus on what we're good at (farming) and hire a crew that has more experience building, and we're so happy we did. It's coming along nicely and we'll have photos to share next week. Stay tuned. 

CSA Harvest - Week #14

Cauliflower, Broccoli, Salad Greens, Chard, Cucumber, Zucchini, Sweet Peppers, Jalapenos, Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Basil, Beets, Carrots, Purple Daikon and Walla Walla Onion. 

CSA Harvest - Week #13


Hold on everyone, here comes September AND sweet Walla Walla Onion season! Wahoo, we made it. I have been dreaming of these onions since we seeded them way back in January. They were seeded in the greenhouse and cared for through the winter months, which were pretty mild this year. And then dug out of the greenhouse bed in May, trimmed and transplanted into the field. They saw a couple nights of low 20s near the end of May that had me worried. But, a few months of irrigation and several rounds of weeding later, they're sizing up nicely (think softballs) and are as sweet as can be. I love when all the pieces come together and work out as planned. Success! 

Harvest harvest harvest... that's the day to day here at the moment and it's pretty awesome. Mike and I cleared the first cabbage block on Thursday and Sadie started clearing the early carrot beds to make way for more Fall greens. On Thursday, we will start pulling onions out of the field to cure. First up, the red onions and a trial yellow that looks wonderful, Gold Princess from Adaptive Seeds, I think you're a keeper! 


We planted 6 of the Fall moveable tunnel beds with greens (kale, spinach and salad greens) late last week and I am SO excited to get the last few beds seeded in the coming days so we can stop thinking about bed prep and planting and focus that energy and time on harvests. 

We left the farm over the weekend, which felt AMAZING! We made a trip to Norwood to celebrate our friends Paula and Sajun Folsom, who are, hands down, two of the sweetest people I know. Paula and Sajun run Laid Back Ranch in Norwood and offer grass-finished beef, pastured pork and pastured poultry, check them out! I used to sell produce next to Paula at the Ridgway Farmer's Market and would look forward to seeing her, and her amazing hugs, every Friday throughout the Summer. I miss those days... but this weekend was good reminder that Norwood is only a short drive away and that we should visit our extended family of friends there more often! Love you guys!  


We should have some exciting news and updates to share in the coming days... think tractor implements and the produce wash/storage warehouse we're building. Check back in next week!  

Ok enough rambling, lets talk about this week's CSA Share, which is filled with lots of tomatoes, plus a nice mix of Summer flavors and colors. Enjoy! 

Harvest details for CSA - Week #13:

Green Cabbage, Kale, Green Beans, Broccoli, Fennel, Purple and White Carrots, Beets, Cilantro, Tomatoes, Walla Walla Onion, Cucumber, Purple Daikon, Garlic, Sweet Pepper and Padron Peppers. 

Eclipse and CSA Harvest - Week #12


The solar eclipse on Monday was BEAUTIFUL and captivating. The light was mysterious and eerie, the sky was calm and everything felt still and silent. The temperature dropped considerably and it made for a couple hours of perfect harvest conditions in the middle of the day. We'll see if the eclipse confuses any of the vegetables? I am curious to see if having the light and temperatures suddenly drop in the middle of the day will cause anything to bolt? We'll report back if we notice anything out of the ordinary in the coming weeks! 

It warmed back up quickly once the eclipse had passed and then around 4 o'clock a large storm cloud was building in the mountains and we could hear the rumble of thunder getting closer and closer. I was in the middle or harvesting turnips when I felt a couple raindrops and decided we should run and cover the greens, incase of hail, as the clouds were dark and the air was cool. A few minutes later it was pouring rain and we were forced inside for a couple hours waiting for the storm and lightning to pass. We weren't able to harvest as much as we had planned on Monday which made for a nonstop Tuesday harvest, but we completed everything right before dark. Go team! 

Last Thursday we  got the first round of the Fall greens planted. Wahoo! These went in a week later than last year so we'll keep notes on how they do. Kale, Collards, Chard, Spinach, Napa Cabbage, Bok Choy and Lettuces! Grow lovelies grow!

Here's a sample Fall CSA Share from last season

Here's a sample Fall CSA Share from last season

This reminds me... We are doing a 10-Week Fall CSA again this season and would love to have you join us! The Fall CSA Starts on Wednesday, October 11th and runs through mid-December. We will be harvesting greens out of the field and greenhouses to supplement the storage crops that make for comforting Fall meals. Think potatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, beets, turnips, rutabaga, cabbage, winter squash, etc. You can read up on the details and register here:

Mountain Roots Produce - 2017 Fall CSA

We're clearing beds in front of the moveable tunnels and hope to seed/plant those in the coming days with additional spinach, salad greens, kale, mustards and more. The plan is to pull the moveable tunnels over these crops once we have a hard frost that knocks out the tomatoes. I have been wanting to do this for years and am really excited to finally try it this season! 

The cold dips we had last week seem to have slowed the hot crops down for a minute and even burnt the basil? Come ON! But then by Friday it was around 80 degrees and felt hotter than my body could handle as we haven't had too much heat around here in a solid month or so. Maybe it's going to return in September??

Mmmmm, the brassica block has been LOVING this cool Summer

Mmmmm, the brassica block has been LOVING this cool Summer

The onions are beginning to fall! The red onion we grow always falls first and last season we pulled it out on 8/21 so I'm curious to see how much later it is this year. I'd say 10 percent have fallen so far and we'll wait until roughly 60 percent are down before we pull them out of of the field and set up to cure. 

I started thinning the rutabagas on Saturday. Rutabagas are one of the most underrated and forgotten about vegetables. They're delicious and should be in everybody's kitchen for cozy Fall and Winter meals. We are growing the standard variety, Joan, which has a rich golden flesh that is sweet and delicious once the temperatures drop. In addition, we are trialling the Gilfeather Turnip, which I'm excited about! The Gilfeather has sassy serrated leaves and will have green shoulders rather than the the purple of Joan. Joan is currently tasting much sweeter than Gilfeather but, final taste tests will commence once November rolls around. 

Fava Beans!

Fava Beans!

Mike completed the final irrigation on the potatoes and they'll be mowed in the next couple weeks. Oh potatoes! We need to prepare our bodies to harvest this crop... they're so heavy, but so delicious. The potatoes appear to be sizing up nicely and will be making an appearance in the CSA Shares in the coming weeks! 

One last thing... Cauliflower! I harvested the first head on Sunday and squealed with excitement as I carried it up to the house. I'm in love with this crop and the first one of the year did not disappoint. We roasted it for dinner on Monday and it was very sweet and satisfying! The rest of the plants should follow soon, fingers crossed!

CSA Harvest - Week #12:

Red Crisphead Lettuce, Lacinato Kale, Collards, Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Peppers (Sweet Bell, Poblano and Jalapeno), Carrots, Zucchini, Cucumber, Colorful Beans, Broccoli, Purple Scallions, Cilantro and Thai Basil. 

Have wonderful day everyone and savor the last week of August! xoxo

Nonstop Harvests and CSA - Week #11

Pure satisfaction. 

Pure satisfaction. 

It's that time of the year... when we begin to curse picking beans and zucchini and promise we'll plant less next year. Mmm hmmm. The harvests are ramping up and we're trying to stay on top of picking all the things, especially the zucchini, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, beans and now cucumbers... they're on the harvest schedule every other day and are beginning to kick our butts. 

Our bodies are sore, our hands are rough and stained, we're a little sleep deprived, there are not enough hours in the day, and things shouldn't slow down until we get a frost... BUT now that I've had a taste of farming, and tomatoes straight off the vine, I wouldn't want to spend my days doing anything else. 

Beans! They're wonderful to eat but oh so time consuming to pick. 

Beans! They're wonderful to eat but oh so time consuming to pick. 

We're working towards better organization and systems at the farm and one of those steps is building this new wash/pack/storage building! My Dad came down over the weekend and helped us attach the heaviest pieces on this building. We rented a fork lift and got all the rafters and cross beams attached, wahoo! It's starting to really take shape and is looking amazing! It was so great to have my Dad at the farm. He helped us read plans, lent us some tools and showed us several tricks to move the metal around and line things up with ease, which was priceless and I'm sure had us moving twice as fast. 

Mike and I are both very fortunate and have incredible parents. They're the best role models, offer us advice, wisdom, encouragement and are always asking thoughtful questions. I wish we had time to visit them more often! And I must say, we wouldn't be able to do everything we're doing without their endless support.

 The temps are still a bit cooler than normal I think and I have been feeling a cool crispness when the wind blows, which feels pretty good. Yesterday was the perfect overcast harvest day but right around 7 o'clock it really cooled off and this morning we are sitting at 44 degrees. Chilly! 

Purple Daikon... its whimsical, my favorite color and delicious to boot 

Purple Daikon... its whimsical, my favorite color and delicious to boot 

We need to focus on harvests this week as well as prepping beds and planting all the Fall greens! Spinach, Kale, Collards, Napa Cabbage, Bok Choy, Chard, Lettuces, etc. I have always set mid-August as the Fall transplanting deadline, so the clock is ticking. As the days grow shorter and cooler it is very important to get these crops in on time. Planting for 2017 is almost complete... wahoo! Once these crops are in the ground we will do one more planting in a couple weeks in the greenhouses and in front of the moveable tunnels, which will get covered with the tunnels once the tomatoes have finished up for the year, hopefully early October?

CSA Harvest - Week #11:

Head Lettuce, Kale, Chard, Zucchini, Beans, Padron Peppers, Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Broccoli Florets, Carrots, Cucumber and Scallions

CSA Harvest - Week #10

Red Crisphead Lettuce, after an evening of rain

Red Crisphead Lettuce, after an evening of rain

Good morning, 

I hope you're having a wonderful week and enjoying the Summer days! We fell asleep to rain at the farm on Sunday night, and I woke up early on Monday to find the farm soaked. So I threw on the muck boots and walked around the fields. Everything looked so incredible and healthy... I am continually amazed at how beautiful and resilient plants are, and just how quickly the vegetables size up and need harvested this time of the year. It's like magic. 

Brassica block looking extra happy, they're loving the clouds and cooler temps

Brassica block looking extra happy, they're loving the clouds and cooler temps

We have been harvesting broccoli for a few weeks and are anxiously awaiting for the cauliflower heads to form. The plants are huge and the leaves are all twisting near the center to protect and cover the head as it grows. I'm hoping they'll make an appearance in the next couple weeks...

Steel building construction has begun! 

Steel building construction has begun! 

Mike and a couple of our friends started constructing the new steel building on Saturday! The columns are up and we're starting to get a sense of the space now. I'm am so excited!! My Dad is going to come down over the weekend and we're renting a fork lift. The plan is to get the rafters and purlins up and then continue to take it one step at a time until it's finished. This building will house our farm office, and new produce wash/pack/storage area. 

The Sorghum Sudangrass is just about to swallow the side roll

The Sorghum Sudangrass is just about to swallow the side roll

Cover crops are so awesome! We have several different trials and mixes growing at the farm this year, each very different and interesting to observe. The sorghum sudangrass grows incredibly fast, I think it's as tall as me in parts of the field now and I love listening to it when the wind blows. 

We have a beautiful flowering cover crop mix growing in strips in between the cabbage blocks and it is AMAZING. This is a mix from our friends and mentors, Brendon and Sheldon Rockey, who grow certified potato seed in the San Luis Valley, (check them out!). We planted this flowering mix in strips where the side roll wheels would hit when we moved the irrigation line through the field with the hopes that it would bring in a lot of beneficial insects. What we didn't know would happen... is that the cabbage moths (which can cause a lot of damage in the cabbages) would love the cover crop mix so much that they would almost ignore the cabbage completely! When we look out at the cabbage field there isn't  a moth to be seen, but if you look close you'll notice they're there but just hanging out in the cover crop. They're more excited about something growing in these flowering strips than the cabbages. Mind blown and such a sweet discovery! So, we're going to make this flowering mix a permanent part of the crop plan moving forward. 

Come on tomatoes... ripen, we have been so patiently awaiting your arrival

Come on tomatoes... ripen, we have been so patiently awaiting your arrival

We're really excited about the bounty in the CSA Share this week. So much so that I lost count how many times Sadie and I said the word beautiful in the wash shed yesterday afternoon!

CSA Harvest - Week #10: Arugula, Crisphead Lettuce, Kale, Chard, Green Beans, Zucchini, Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Carrots, Shishito Peppers, Broccoli Florets, and Purple Scallions. 

Hello August... CSA Harvest - Week #9

Winter Squash blooming!

Winter Squash blooming!

Good morning. The weather this week has not as stormy as last, but we have had some crazy wind as thunderstorms move around us and a couple surprise downpours. On Tuesday afternoon we had finished up harvest and we were breaking for lunch.  The sky was getting darker and the wind was picking up so I looked outside to check on things and saw a wall of water heading our way. Yikes! I ran outside to close up the greenhouses and row cover a few beds in case of pounding rain or hail. While I was doing this the storm hit, drenched everything (including me) with rain in a matter of seconds and the wind was fierce. I ran back to the house soaking wet, in what felt like slow motion. It only rained for 20-30 minutes but we were locked out of the field for the rest of the day, as it was a muddy mess.

Harvest Season has arrived and it’s suddenly nonstop. Wahoo! We work incredibly hard all Spring, seeding, transplanting, irrigating, weeding, building, etc and when the crops finally start to produce it is oh so satisfying. All that hard work is starting to pay off… and excitement levels are rising around here and at CSA pickup. I love seeing how excited everyone is each week, thank you for your continued support and sharing your successes and experiments in the kitchen! 

Tomatoes, slowly doing their thing. 

Tomatoes, slowly doing their thing. 

Oh tomatoes. I obsess and worry over the tomatoes every season, from the moment we start them in March, through their planting in the greenhouses, the cold springs nights, funky leaves appearing here and there, up until the day they finally begin to ripen in late July/early August. Which, I must say, I'm always skeptical will actually happen. But, it's happening! They're ripening, slowly with the cool Summer we're having, but the plants are loaded and it's only a matter of time until they all start to blush.

CSA Harvest - Week #9

CSA Harvest - Week #9

The CSA Shares are becoming more colorful and heavier every week. It may be time to start bringing a second bag to CSA pickup so you have room for all the bounty!

The Sorghum Sudangrass is getting SO tall and is gorgeous in the afternoon light 

The Sorghum Sudangrass is getting SO tall and is gorgeous in the afternoon light 

The time has come... we are planning to start constructing the steel building this weekend. This building will house our new wash station, produce storage and office, wahoo!  The concrete pad was poured in June and the materials were all delivered a couple weeks ago. This project feels a little daunting and really exciting at the same time! Wish us luck! We'll post updates as it progresses. 

Have a wonderful weekend! And savor these Summer days, they fly by too fast.

Rainbows and CSA Harvest - Week #8

Hello Everyone, 

It has been such a beautiful week here and has us loving Summer! We have had several thunderstorms soak the valley with rain in the last few days and it’s a dewy and muddy world outside. The darkest cloud I have seen since moving to Mancos rolled over Mesa Verde towards us on Tuesday evening... I was concerned we would see hail but luckily it was just a wall of water and a lot of lightning. These low dark clouds moved in, poured rain, and moved out fast and then sunshine returned and a double rainbow appeared. So beautiful! 

Here is the sorghum sudangrass cover crop growing tall with dark storm clouds in the distance heading our way!

Here is the sorghum sudangrass cover crop growing tall with dark storm clouds in the distance heading our way!

Everything in the fields is growing incredibly fast, it happens every season but I always find it amazing. I made a quick trip to Ridgway last week after CSA Pickup and returned to the farm on Friday morning and everything looked like it had doubled in size. And I was only away for 48 hours, crazy! But this makes it easier to understand why it's challenging to stay on top of the weeds.

Freshly cultivated potatoes

Freshly cultivated potatoes

The winter squash was weeded earlier in the week, I finished trellising the tomatoes today and we're almost done thinning the beets.  The winter squash are blooming and setting fruit, the cabbages are sizing up, as of yesterday the zucchini harvests are ON and the tomatoes are just getting started. Summer flavors, here we come! 

Double rainbow!

Double rainbow!

Everything is a behind about a week this year compared to last season, but when we look at the Spring temperatures it makes sense. Last Spring was so mild and warm and this Spring had some frigid cold snaps — two nights hitting 22 degrees in middle of May and a frost the first week of June — Brrr, that will slow things down a little. But all the hot crops are coming and will be finding their way into your shares very soon!

CSA Harvest - Week #8

CSA Harvest - Week #8

This Week's CSA Share included the following: Kohlrabi, Chard, Purple Scallions, Salad Greens, Carrots, Head Lettuce, Beets, Cilantro, Basil, Broccoli, Kale. Yum! 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

RAIN and CSA Harvest - Week 7

Rain people, it finally arrived at the farm and has the crops, the weeds and the farmers oh so happy. We start the day with sunshine and clear skies and then dark clouds and cool humid air roll in every afternoon. The dark clouds send me into a mild panic about the chance of hail, so I check the radar a couple times and cover a few crops with row cover. And then, before we know it lightning strikes are surrounding us and raindrops are falling from the sky. Aaaaahhhhh. Thank you Mother Nature!

Broccoli heads are just starting to form and the cauliflower plants are getting huge

Broccoli heads are just starting to form and the cauliflower plants are getting huge

 The afternoon storms gave us a chance to catch up on some greenhouse work over the weekend. The tomatoes and peppers were in need of a weeding and a little love. I whispered sweet things to them, cleared the weeds competing for water, nutrients and space and just observed how everybody was doing. I pulled one plant that looked funky... sorry buddy, you were making me anxious.  The early planting of tomatoes is growing a bit slower than the second and third planting, which are on their way to maxing out the trellis already. I think it has to do with the cold temps they had to grow through in May, those couple nights that dipped into the low 20s. They're still growing and setting a lot of fruit, they're just not as robust as the later plantings. Note to self... maybe don't rush the tomato seeding and transplanting next Spring?

Cherry tomatoes beginning to ripen! 

Cherry tomatoes beginning to ripen! 

The cherry tomatoes are slowly ripening and I saw a few heirlooms blushing yesterday. It's coming...  and I'm hoping we have tomatoes to share in the next week or two. In other news, the shishitos are ready for their first harvest today and are loaded with the many peppers to come. Look for these tasty peppers in the CSA Shares this week!  

 As mentioned in previous posts, we are building a new barn for our wash/pack/storage area. The concrete pad was poured in early June and materials for the building were delivered to the farm first thing yesterday morning. Mike spent the morning unloading the steel beams, siding, roofing, hardware etc... and staging them for construction in the coming weeks. Now, to find the time to get this structure built. I think this may consume our weekends in August... coffee and building! Time to pull out the tools again. Next year is going to be great... we keep saying 'Lets just farm next year."

Mike unloading the semi with the materials for our steel building.

Mike unloading the semi with the materials for our steel building.

The farm is suddenly popping with so many colors! The bold purple of kohlrabi, the bright red stalks of chard, cherry tomato jewels ripening and the deep greens of the brassicas. The zucchini and beans are just starting to bloom and the cucumbers in the greenhouse are loaded with baby fruit. The flavors and textures in the CSA Shares are about to change... 

We are harvesting the last of the early carrots and beets out of the greenhouse today and will be seeding a quick buckwheat cover crop in these beds before transplanting a round or greens for the Fall CSA in late August/early September. The outside carrots and beets are close...  we'll find out next week if we got our seeding dates right to have continuous supply of carrots this season. 

Sunset post rain storm, so incredible. 

Sunset post rain storm, so incredible. 

OK, it's light outside and time to harvest. Enjoy the day folks! Below are the harvest details for Mountain Roots Produce CSA Share, Week #7:

Salad Greens, Head Lettuce, Chard, Collards, Carrots, Beets, Kohlrabi, Scallions, Shishitos and Herbs

CLOUDS and CSA Harvest - Week #6

Brassica block after a second weeding

Brassica block after a second weeding

Good morning! 

It's cool and overcast here at the moment, and it feels so good! There's a chance of rain at the farm today but it looks like a guaranteed stormy day in Telluride, so CSA pickup might be a wet one. Bring your rain jacket and umbrella! 

Cover Crop Seed Mix - SO gorgeous! 

Cover Crop Seed Mix - SO gorgeous! 

Mike spent the weekend seeding cover crops throughout the farm. We rented the No Till Drill (pictured below) from the High Desert Conservation District. The photo above is a multi-species mix from Green Cover Seed that we're really excited about. We drilled this into the triticale/vetch block that we recently flail mowed. Building soil!  We also seeded an oats/pea/vetch mix in between the two production fields where we hope to plant an apple orchard. 

I spent the weekend tackling weeds. Oh so many weeds... but we're making headway. I finished the brassicas on Sunday, did a second pass through the carrots, cleaned up several green seedings, and yesterday Sadie weeded the beans once harvest was complete. Speaking of the beans, they're about to bloom! Cherry tomatoes are slowly starting to ripen, and I think the cucumbers and zucchini are near. 

Mike using the No Till Drill from the High Desert Conservation District to seed a cover crop in the section we flail mowed a couple weeks ago.

Mike using the No Till Drill from the High Desert Conservation District to seed a cover crop in the section we flail mowed a couple weeks ago.

Yesterday was a dreamy harvest day and the best one of the season so far. We woke up to clouds that hung around until 12:30 or 1:00 so harvest felt mellow. It wasn't the normal race to get the greens all harvested before the heat arrived. Yea clouds! We have been clouding up most afternoons around 2 o'clock or so... which is so perfect. Right at the heat of the day clouds roll in and cool everything off, we have even had a few sprinkles here and there. We're ready and hoping for a downpour at the farm, but in the mean time, we're so grateful for the cloud cover. Thanks Mother Nature!

Onion seed crop is about to bloom

Onion seed crop is about to bloom

On tap for later this week... weeding the cabbage field and the second succession of carrots and beets! We have been walking past them all week and I'm anxious to focus on them starting tomorrow. I should capture before and after shots to share...

CSA Share - Week #5

CSA Share - Week #5

OK, enough rambling. I should get organized so we can leave for Telluride on time...

CSA Harvest - Week #6: Salad Greens, Head Lettuce, Kale, BEAUTIFUL Collards, Carrots, Beets, Scallions, Cilantro and Basil. Yum! 

We look forward to seeing everyone later today! Until then, be good and enjoy the morning...