CSA Harvest - Week 7

Good morning! 

Hopped up on coffee and raindrops here. Mmmm. Fingers crossed more is on the way. 

We flipped a lot of beds this week. Out with the old and in with the new. Salad, spinach and carrots are all germinating. I have a few beds ready for seeding this evening... radishes, turnips, beets and cilantro. More head lettuce, kale and some fall brassicas are all ready to be transplanted as well... soon enough :).

The weeds are getting a little crazy (err really crazy) in the Montrose garden. So we spent several early mornings in the field with the stirrup hoe this week. The melon patch is looking gorgeous and we started tucking the melons in with a thick layer of mulch yesterday...  in hopes of keeping them happy and the field a little less weedy. 

Ooooo! Exciting news, I harvested kale seed yesterday! So much fun. I loved the sweet jingling of seeds in the dry seed pods.  This seed saving project happened by accident really... as most great things do. A section of kale overwintered in the garden and before I had a chance to harvest it this Spring it bolted and started flowering. The honeybees were enjoying the flowering kale... so we let it hang out for a while and now we have freshly harvested seed. Whoop! 

We also harvested chamomile and calendula flowers to start drying for future cups of tea. The scent is heavenly.

Harvest Details for Week 7:

Salad Greens
Kale or Chard
Basil (Italian, Lemon or Thai)
Garlic Scapes
Mini Onions
Fava Beans!!
Asian Cabbage or Kohlrabi
Edible Flowers

Herbs (Chives, Oregano or Parsley)

Sourdough Flavor of the Week: Whole Wheat with Flax and Sunflower Seeds